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Seven Password Best Practices

The always in fashion technical crime (hacking) runs on the idea of guessing or stealing a password. Passwords are a tiny piece of the puzzle that protects user identity. They are the keys that unlock access to various applications over the internet. These applications could be sensitive in nature depending on the quality of conversation […]

Long live thy password!

Passwords dates way back to 1960, the time of commencement of computing technology. It was quite secure and it still is a stylish factor in ensuring access security. We stand today in 2015 where the scope of computing has exploded and passwords have become easier to crack for hackers, who resort to innovative tricks to […]

Let’s understand what creates a ground work for intelligent Identity and Access Management

When it comes to creating intelligent system networks, it needs to be in coordination with various aspects of business. Starting with basic automation and computing to allowing modes for keeping Data in Motion, bringing checkpoints to ensure safety, falling in line with trends such as Internet of Things (IoT). A continuous unobstructed interaction amongst users – internal and external, […]

Improving Organizational Security with Identity and Access Management

Maintaining an organizations security is vital to its existence and development. In today’s age of globalization, businesses become increasingly collaborative and resources are availed of by a rising number of users. Therefore, organizations face complex challenges of maintaining their security as managing identities, authorizing and authenticating users to access sensitive enterprise resources becomes difficult and […]

Top IdM Challenges Companies Face

The benefits of technology are immense and this statement is not new to us. The scope of technological advancement leave us with a sense of awe and surprise – the process of inducting technology into a traditional system is not easy. It becomes even more complex when technological induction surpasses individual capacity and takes to […]

Evolving Big Business Poses Security Threats

The business has reached far greater heights in today’s world than anyone ever thought was possible. The same can be said for technology. Put the business and technology together, and you have an escalation of everything – profits, ease of conduct, innovations, better control, and more. Wait; go back to ‘better control.’ Is there any […]

To Cloud or Not To Cloud: The Competitive Storm Brewing Over CRM

Recently there has been a barrage of cloud customer relationship management(CRM) services introduced by technology giants and relative unknowns alike. With the surge of “cloud”-hawking industrialists vying for CRM dominance, a battle of dimensions, of sort, has commenced, and the question posed now in cross-department meetings, “Should we cloud compute or rollout an onsite CRM solution?” At […]

Identity Management: The Impact to Healthcare

Healthcare in the United States is going through a major shift both in how care is performed and funds are funneled.  These changes keep hospital administrators up at night and the rest of America on antacids.  What’s the number one thing on a CEO’s/president’s mind?  The need to appease all constituencies*, both internal and external, […]

The Million Dollar Smartphone theft

Oops! Lost your smartphone or laptop?  So what are you worried about: contacts, pictures or starting Candy Crush from Level 1 on your new phone? But, that is the least of your organizations concerns, they’re worried about the confidential e-mails, tenders and that million dollar idea that you have been working on for the last 4 months! […]

The Compliance Cobweb

Does anyone truly have Privacy? With Google tracking your interests, Facebook scanning each Photograph, Foursquare locating you every now and then, and apps like FindMyIphone, this becomes a very trivial question. In recent times, it has become crucial for users to draw a line between their online and offline lives. The picture is a matrix of regulations, […]

Why I (You) need IAM?

Here’s a scenario: “ABC Tech. reported a breach in its systems, thereby losing some sensitive corporate data. After probing, it came out that this was the work of an employee holding a grudge against the organization. While the employee did his deed on his last working day, pious IT architect of the company was the one […]

The Era of ‘Everything Mobile’ and Business !!

As technology proliferates into business, organizations find themselves juggling with complications related to Identity management. The Identity Management landscape spreads beyond Identity checks, syncing applications, authorized access and more. The recent layer to the IAM landscape is – Mobile IAM. Mobile handset is more than just a gadget – it is about a user’s personality. Every […]

Brand Avancer

Avancer : progress, to move forward, to advance. This is a quality that hold very dear to multiple large enterprises and companies around the world. When companies find themselves needing a spark, a change in the status quo, pivoting is necessary. To pivot, means to shift, and this shift is the cornerstone of rebranding efforts. […]

Ten points to make IdM central to your Business Model

Knowing that in order to stay competent, businesses started bringing state-of-art innovative solutions into office premises. Today it is impossible to imagine a business without computing assistance. It has surpassed limited office dimensions and defied traditional work settings. As we talk about tele-commuting, flexi-time, contractual employment, outsourcing, virtual offices, global team and more without compromising […]

Stay on top of Healthcare Management with IdM

Integrating Identity Management (IdM) technology within the system is imperative for healthcare services providers. Healthcare providers have to remain on top at providing best care to patients. IAM technology has evolved through years to help healthcare organizations in achieving a secure IT framework, and be compliant to landmark regulations such as HIPAA and HITECH. The structure of […]

Let’s Talk ROI on IAM Investment

The cost of implementing an IAM solution is often frowned at, while organizations continue with struggle of managing identities, authorizing and authenticating users. We at Avancer strongly believe that this year is going to be a game changer, we are likely to witness a mind-set change where decision makers will view expenses in IAM as […]